Signs Your Air Conditioner's Filters Are Clogged

Your air conditioning system is made up of a wide assortment of components. One of the more crucial components that needs to function properly for your air conditioner to work at optimum is its filter. However, this also tends to be one of the more neglected components of the air conditioning system since some homeowners forget to either regularly change of replace their unit's filters. It is essential to be wary of any signs of the filters malfunctioning so as to prevent the breakdown of your air conditioning unit. Clogging is one of the problems that tends to plague these filters since their function to ensure the quality of your indoor air is not compromised with particles. Here are some of the signs that you air conditioner's filters are clogged.

There is a reduction in the air flow

When you air conditioner's filters have been compromised by clogging, they will affect the amount of air that is circulated through your home. The particles clogging the filters inhibit the free flow of air through the filters; hence, you find that there is not sufficient air coming through the unit's outlets. It is prudent to address this issue because if it is left to go unabated, you air conditioning unit will begin to work harder. This not only leads to a spike in your utility bills, but could also decrease the lifespan of your system.

There is an accumulation of dirt in the ducts

In some cases, the clogging of your filters may not immediately present itself with decreased air flow. Instead, you may find that the ductwork of your air conditioning system is accumulation grime at a faster rate than usual. If you are cleaning the ducts regularly but still find they are getting dirty often, then the problem could lie with clogged air conditioner filters. It would be in your best interests to have the filters checked since this accumulation of dirt in the ductwork leaves room for microorganisms and bacteria to breed in these components. This in turn can exacerbate any allergies that your loved ones may have.

There is a foul smell in the home

Another sign that you may have clogged filters is if you start catching whiffs of an unusual smell in your home. If you keep your residence well ventilated but still finds that it smells of must, then chances are your air conditioner's filters have been compromised. This musty smell typically develops when there is mould breeding in the filters. In this case, you would have to replace the clogged filters so as to prevent the spores from spreading and breeding in your home.

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Ventilation: The Overlooked Part of HVAC and Other Blogs

When people hear HVAC, they often think only of heating and cooling, and they forget about the "v" which stands for ventilation. Having the right level of ventilation in your home or business keeps humidity levels in check, prevents unwanted condensation, and improves the heating and cooling features of your system. Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Matthew, and I used to work in the HVAC industry. About a decade ago, I began focusing on my carpentry business, but I still am really interested in the science and mechanics involved in HVAC, so I decided to start a blog. In this blog, I am going to explore HVAC from a range of angles, and I hope that you have fun reading my posts. Thank you.