Subtle Signs of the Need for Gas Heater Repair That You May Be Unfamiliar With

For many Australian homeowners, air conditioning is one of the most valuable appliances in the home. And this is unsurprising when you take into consideration how scorching hot the weather is during the summer. Not to mention the stifling humidity that comes along with it. However, the summer months will eventually give way to chilly winters, and this is when you start thinking about your gas heater that has not crossed your mind for months on end.

Unfortunately, it is this out-of-mind mentality that leads to the development of issues that impede on the functioning of the furnace right when you need it. To ensure that you do not end up requiring complete replacement, here are subtle signs of the need for heater repair that you may be unfamiliar with but you should never ignore.

Clicking sounds from the gas heater

Any weird noises coming from your gas heater is never a good sign. It is advisable to get to the cause of these sounds and have the underlying issue remedied before you put your finance into use. While there are several reasons why you may start hearing clicking noises, ranging from a faulty ignition system to a failed valve, the most common underlying cause of this problem is jeopardised bearings.

Over time, the bearings located in the blower or the gas heater's inducer can start to acquire damage due to normal wear. The longer this issue goes unchecked, the higher the likelihood of permanent damage to the motor is. Hence, once you begin to hear these clicking sounds, you must receive gas heater repairs immediately.

Sudden health problems in your home

It is one thing when you fall ill and end up infecting your loved ones since you have been infected by a contagious virus. However, it is a completely different and strange scenario when you and your family members begin experiencing the same symptoms yet cannot pin down what illness you have succumbed to. When there is an unusually high number of complaints in your household about persistent nausea, itching or burning eyes, headaches and more, you should be wary of a potential carbon monoxide leak in the home.

This issue typically affects residences with old gas heaters, as the heat exchanger is usually past its shelf life. The older the heat exchanger is, the higher its susceptibility to cracks and other forms of physical damage is. Prolonged exposure to carbon monoxide can have long-term ramifications to your health such as heart complications, so this sign should urge you to cease using the gas heater and seek immediate repairs.

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Ventilation: The Overlooked Part of HVAC and Other Blogs

When people hear HVAC, they often think only of heating and cooling, and they forget about the "v" which stands for ventilation. Having the right level of ventilation in your home or business keeps humidity levels in check, prevents unwanted condensation, and improves the heating and cooling features of your system. Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Matthew, and I used to work in the HVAC industry. About a decade ago, I began focusing on my carpentry business, but I still am really interested in the science and mechanics involved in HVAC, so I decided to start a blog. In this blog, I am going to explore HVAC from a range of angles, and I hope that you have fun reading my posts. Thank you.